Peer-Reviewed Publications
12. Zhang Y, Dasgupta R, Ji D, Lee CT, Peng Y, Charlier B, Jin Z, Chen J, Namur O. (2025). Mantle melting conditions of mare lavas on South Pole–Aitken basin of lunar farside. Geophysical Research Letters 52, e2024GL112418
11. Zhang Y, Charlier B, Krein SB, Grove TL, Namur O, Holtz F. (2024). The very late-stage crystallization of the lunar magma ocean and the composition of immiscible urKREEP. Earth and Planet Science Letters 646, 118989
10. Jin Z, Hou T, Zhu MH, Zhang Y, Namur O., (Accepted in American Mineralogist). Late-stage microstructures in Chang’E-5 basalt and implications for the evolution of lunar ferrobasalt
9. Xu Y, Lin Y, Wu P, Namur O, Zhang Y, Charlier B. (2024). A diamond-bearing core-mantle boundary on Mercury. Nature Communications 15(1), 5061
8. Dekoninck A, de Putter T, Ruffet G, Mees F, Zhang Y , Namur O, Kapoma J. (2024). Depositional setting and hydrothermal alteration of Paleoproterozoic manganiferous metasedimentary rocks in the Ampanihy district (Southern Madagascar). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 107579
7. Vlieghe, M., Rochez, G., Pire-Stevenne, S., Storme, J.Y., Dekoninck, A., Vanbrabant, Y., Namur, O., Zhang Y., Van Ham-Meert, A., Donnadieu, J.P. and Berbig´e, M., 2023. Ni-rich mineral nepouite explains the exceptional green color of speleothems. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.15017.
6. Jin Z, Zhang Y, Bose M, Glynn S, Couffignal F. (2024). Petrogenesis of Erg Chech 002 Achondrite and Implications for an Altered Magma Ocean. The Astrophysical Journal 965(1), 24.
5. Zhang Y, Namur O, Li W, Shorttle O, Gazel E, Jennings ES, Thy P, Grove TL, Charlier B. (2023). An extended calibration of the olivine-spinel aluminum exchange thermometer: Application to the melting conditions and mantle lithologies of large igneous provinces. Journal of Petrology 64(11), p.egad077.
4. Pirotte H, Cartier C, Pommier A, Namur O, Zhang Y, Berndt J, Klemme S, Charlier B. 2023. Internal differentiation and volatile budget of Mercury inferred from trace element partitioning experiments at highly reduced conditions. Icarus, 115699.
3. Zhang Y, Namur O. Charlier B. 2023. Experimental study of high-Ti and low-Ti basalts: liquid lines of descent and silicate liquid immiscibility in large igneous provinces. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 178(1): 1-24.
2. Dekoninck A, Rufet G, Baptiste J, Wyns R, Philippo S, Zhang Y, Namur O. 2022. Petrogenesis and 40Ar/39Ar dating of epithermal romanechite from the sub-aerial fault-related Romanèche Mn deposit (France). Chemical Geology 121280
1. Zhang Y, Hou T, Veksler IV, Lesher CE, Namur O. 2018 Phase equilibria and geochemical constrains on the petrogenesis of high-Ti picrite from the Paleogene East Greenland flood basalt province. Lithos, 300: 20-32.
Conference Abstracts
12. Zhang Y, Dasgupta R, Ji D, Lee CT, Peng Y, Charlier B, Jin Z, Chen J, Namur O., 2025. Mantle melting conditions of South Pole–Aitken basin of lunar farside. 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. oral talk
11. Zhang Y, Namur O, Hakim K, Dasgupta R, Shorttle O, 2024. Forming Mercury-analog exoplanets in the solar neighborhood. Goldschmidt 2024, Chicago. poster & Geologica Belgica 2024, Liège, oral talk
10. Zhang Y, Namur O, Charlier B. 2023. Magmatic differentiation and Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in Large Igneous Province. EMPG-XIII 2023 oral talk.
9. Zhang Y, Namur O, Charlier B, Holness MB, 2023. A general model for olivine growth rate and morphology. Goldschmidt 2023.
8. Namur O, Tosi N, Shorttle O, Cartier C, Lin Y, Zhang Y, Saracino F, Liado L, Pirotte H, Charlier B. 2023. Mercury's mantle as constrained by its crust. Goldschmidt 2023.
7. Saracino F, Charlier B, Zhang Y, Namur O, 2023. The role of sulfur on liquidus temperature and olivine-orthopyroxene equilibria in highly reduced magmas. Goldschmidt 2023.
6. Pirotte H, Cartier C, Pommier A, Namur O, Zhang Y, Berndt J, Klemme S, Charlier B. 2023. Investigating Mercury's internal structure and volatile budget using trace elements partitioning experiments. Goldschmidt 2023.
5. Shepherd K, Namur O, Bachmann O, Zhang Y, Hendrickx T, Charlier B. 2022 Timescales and Petrological Processes in an Area of Plume-Ridge Interaction: Insights from the Islands of Terceira and Flores, Azores. AGU 2022 oral talk.
4. Zhang Y, Namur O, Charlier B, Li W, Shorttle O, Gazel E, Jennings ES, Thy P, Grove TL. 2022 A re-evaluation of Al-in-Olivine geothermometer. Goldschmidt 2022 oral talk.
3. Zhang Y, Namur O, Charlier B. 2021 Experimental liquid lines of descent and Silicate Liquid Immiscibility for low-Ti and high-Ti basalts of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China. AGU 2021 poster.
2. Zhang Y, Namur O, Charlier B. 2021 Experimental liquid lines of descent for low-Ti and high-Ti basalts of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China. EMPG–XVII 17th International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry poster.
1. Zhang Y, Hou T, Veksler IV, Lesher CE, Namur O. 2018 Phase equilibria and geochemical constrains on the petrogenesis of high-Ti picrit from the Paleogene East Greenland flodd basalt province. Goldschmidt Conference 2018 oral talk.